Current Service Provision – 5th January 2021

Due to the current situation there will be no face-to-face counselling sessions available at our office for the time being. However, although our office is temporarily closed, we are still working remotely and can still be contacted via telephone or email.

If you are an existing client, please don’t worry – please just wait for us to contact you. We are working on alternative ways to support you while the office is closed – this may be via online/video Counselling, and we will let you know as soon as possible.

If you have any questions, please contact us. There will be an answer service on the office phone number, which will be checked regularly. Alternatively you may contact us by email or on the Tor Support mobile number: 07886 444 263

If you need urgent help, details of organisations that will be able to help you straight away can be found here.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.